Just returned from a wonderful time speaking in three cities in Florida…
God blessed with many emotional and physical healings and Words of Knowledge to many during each meeting…
One woman was in severe pain and unable to work so Jesus HEALED her instantly of FIVE RUPTURED DISCS!!
A strong presence of God was at each meeting and the expression on the faces of those there showed how the message He gave me impacted them.
Another had not been able to sleep for weeks and was desperate so Jesus delivered her of INSOMNIA and three days later she was thrilled she was still sleeping well!
A missionary at a meeting only spoke only a few words in tongues and wanted more. As we prayed, Jesus gave him a release and a flow of his heavenly language!
God had me help two others receive the ability to give prophetic words.
Taught a group to sing in the Spirit (in tongues)!
Started talking to an 80 year old man while touring a botanical garden about him being a seeker of beauty, about the beauty of the universe, how the Creator of all this beauty wants a relationship with him, and then led him to a personal relationship with Jesus!
At a restaurant, Carol started talking w/waitress JaJa then said: Honey, she wants a closer walk w/Jesus! And I led her into BHS! God came as consuming fire and she was burning hot. Her mom prays in tongues! Imagine her Mom’s joy!
Home group. Four received the baptism of the Holy Spirit …one had asked for yrs and when I asked if she wanted to also receive, she said timidly, “If you think He’ll give it to me — ?” and was overwhelmed praying in tongues and received powerful intercession spirit.
And I told my dear host satan wants to take him out so he wouldn’t fulfill his destiny and how he needed to walk when he didn’t want to and about my Dad not walking and how he got weaker and weaker…to speak words of faith instead of criticism over his carnal church…pray answers instead of problems.
On one flight told gospel to John was very open and who NEVER heard GOSPEL before! He was going to interview for a TV news casting job and said he’ll seriously think about it.
On another flight the pretty 65 years old stewardess was able to talk to me since I had aisle seat and said she wanted to read a couple of chapters of my book and ended up reading it all and bending it up! She said it really encouraged her!
On one flight I had an aisle seat and talked with the woman by the window over the sleeping woman between us. Jesus gave Cathy her heavenly prayer language. Her evangelist sister later wrote to thank me as her sister had been resistant to hearing anything about it!
God lovingly arranged these divine appointments:
At an airport a woman of another belief system said she remembered overhearing me talk about my book with someone over a year ago at another airport and knew this was a divine appointment and bought my book. During the flight, she stopped me at the end of the flight and said she almost finished the book, enjoyed it, and that it was very enlightening!
My next seat partner had been incarcerated in Attica and Sing Sing for 15 years. (Worst federal prisons!) He gave his heart to Jesus then but is backslid. Has had his contracting business for over ten years. We talked quite a bit. He bought my book. I shared how I know he’s going to recommit and will lead his second wife and kids to Jesus.
Our plane was late and had to run a long way and almost missed my plane! I heard them call out boarding for SLO when I was far away! I ran and was out of breath and someone called out to the electric cart which got me there and everyone else was on the plane!
My new seat partner had missed a flight, so it was a definite God setup, as were the others. He read the back cover of my book how I had a encounter with God in the gun tower. He announced, “I want to read this book. Tell me now about the supernatural!” He told me of ESP experiences he had and is married to a Shinto believing wife. My lungs still hurt as I talked but I knew it was important. So I explained about the difference between the demonic and gifts of the Spirit. He’ll learn more and I believe give his heart to Jesus as he reads my book.
And when we were at the SLO airport waiting for our luggage, there was Gary and his wife also returning from a trip! I had encouraged him while he was incarcerated and now God was opening doors for him to speak! What a thrill for me to see this and what a beautiful way to end my trip!
Our Jesus is so amazing, fun-loving and compassionate!
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